Financial Aid Workshop / Taller de Ayuda Financiera Seniors, do you need additional support completing your financial aid application? Then come by to our workshops to receive support from Diego Rivera and LAEP staff.
Food Bank / Despensa de Comida Thursdays - 12PM - 3PM @ the Parent CenterLos Jueves de las 12 a las 15 en el Centro de Padres
College Apps & FAFSA/CA Dream Act Support Seniors: need help with your UC / USC / Common App & FAFSA / Dream Act application? PACS Staff & volunteers are here to help!Sat. Nov. 16th @ MPR(Click for more info)
Financial Aid Night Turnout This past Saturday, Oct. 19th, parents and students gathered in the MPR to learn about Financial Aid options to help attend a college or 4-year university.