Transition to Summer Learning for Families: Stress Management & Emotional Well-being Workshop

About this event

Office of Parent & Community Services in Collaboration with School Mental Health

Session I/4 Highlighting

Stress Management & Emotional Well-being

Learn about how to identify and manage our emotions and the benefits this has on our relationship with our children.

Define what emotions are and how a “feelings thermometer” is helpful in the identification of and managing emotions.

Promote ways we can cope with this crisis as well as guide and support our children.

Facilitated by :

Los Angeles Unified Greetings Dr. Heidi Mahmud & Antonio Plascencia Office of Parent & Community Services

Co-Presenters Alejandra Acuña and Norma A. Ramirez School Mental Health

The presentation will go live on Zoom. Click the following link to participate or use the following phone number:

Participants joining by phone may email questions during the presentation to [email protected].

Translation services will be offered during this session. For a copy of the calendar with the series of eleven workshops and resources for families visit: