Miscellaneous » Students » Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance

You can request technical support by filling out the following form below. Please enter an email or phone number you have access to so we can get back to you. | Puede solicitar soporte técnico completando el siguiente formulario a continuación. Ingrese un correo electrónico o número de teléfono al que tenga acceso para que podamos comunicarnos con usted.
If your password is an issue, first try to reset it at https://mylogin.lausd.net . If you run into issues then contact IT Support Tech, Mr. Cervantes, at his email: [email protected] . He is available from 8AM until 3PM.
The LAUSD has a tech hotline for all students at:
  • (213) 443 - 1300
They also have resources available at this link:
If Schoology is your issue then contact ITD at
  • (213) 214-5200.
    • They are available from 7:30 am to 4:45 pm
      Monday through Friday.